So I decided to take a trip to the beach today. My Neighbor had told me that one of the local MCs was having a beach bash about an hours ride SW of where I live. Near Malipo Beach. After a valve adjustment and a head retorque, I kit up and take off about 9:30am.
I made good time as the bike was humming right along. I did take one quick pitstop along the way. A gas station/rest area, where I saw a number of guys on bikes that were going the same way. we talked a bit and they headed out. I had some water and took off as well.
I got to the appointed location and found that this MC had rented a whole hotel. it wasn't a big hotel, maybe 10 rooms. but the point is that they rented a whole hotel for Labor Day weekend. pretty cool.
This area just got hit hard by a typhoon this last week. there were broken trees, holes in buildings, broken windows everywhere. even the honeybucket on the beach was laying on it's side.
I hung around for a bit, kicked some tires and chatted some. after a couple hours someone mentioned a short ride. hell yeah.
Helmet and jacket on, kicked over ready to go. pull out and follow the mob.
not two miles out and I see something that I really did not want to see. A guy on a really big Road King, who obviously does not really know what he is doing, kick his leg out flat track style and slide the front tire right into a drainage culvert. He leaps of the bike, does a combat roll and the bike ends up on its side. Taco'd the rim, bent the highway bar, and bruise his ego something fierce. the rider was fine otherwise, and the bike was fucked with less then 500 miles on it.
he pulled the the brake caliper and was able to limp it back to the hotel.
It was a good time to head for the house. so I headed back. one thing I noticed was that it was hot on the ride back. my Jetting was not right as I started out, but it had cooled off before I got back to Anjung-ri. So your Jetting in the morning may not be your jetting at midday. But it will become your jetting again in the evening.
Cool stuff mate.
ReplyDeleteCool your jets there, pal.. haw haw haw.